Oncidium Hwuluduen '2172' Introduction

葫蘆墩文心蘭 Oncidium Hwuluduen '2172'

Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘2172’ 是一個兼具顯著特性與市場潛力的雜交品種。它明顯遺傳了其親本 Ons. Catatante 的易於栽培特性,使栽培過程更加順利,降低了花農的養成成本。因此,這個品種在切花市場中具有很高的轉換潛力。
Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘2172’ is a hybrid with outstanding characteristics and market potential. It has obviously inherited the easy-to-cultivate characteristics of its parent Ons. Catatante, making the cultivation process smoother and reducing the cost of cultivation for flower growers. Therefore, this variety has high conversion potential in the cut flower market.


    該品種最顯著的顏色為紅色、棕色和橘色,具有獨特的花型和紋路,帶來強烈的視覺衝擊力。大多數 ‘2172’ 的顏色範圍從橘色到棕紅色,這種特性為切花市場提供了一個全新的選擇,能夠滿足對新穎花材的需求。
    The most prominent colors of this variety are red, brown and orange, with unique flower shapes and textures, bringing a strong visual impact. The color range of most ‘2172’ ranges from orange to reddish brown, a characteristic that offers a new option to the cut flower market that meets the demand for novelty flowers.


    Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘2172’ 的另一個重要特點是全年穩定的花期。其花色在不同氣溫下保持穩定,提升了市場競爭力。不過,在 9 至 10 月間,由於夏季高溫後的恢復期,開花數量相對較少。
    Another important feature of Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘2172’ is its consistent flowering period throughout the year. Its colors remain stable under different temperatures, improving market competitiveness. However, there are relatively few blooms between September and October due to the recovery period after the high summer temperatures.



    此外,該品種具有很高的生長穩定性和耐病性,從小芽到成株都能保持良好的生長狀態。這使得 ‘2172’ 在切花和盆花應用中展現出極高的靈活性。其軟枝特性使其適合高低層栽培和空間裝飾,進一步提升了市場價值。
    In addition, this variety has high growth stability and disease resistance, and can maintain good growth status from small buds to adult plants. This makes ‘2172’ extremely flexible in cut flower and potted flower applications. Its soft-branch characteristics make it suitable for high- and low-rise cultivation and space decoration, further increasing its market value.


    在品種選育過程中,目前 ‘2172’ 正處於初期階段。我們的第一階段目標是優先選育具有高度切花潛力的品種,考慮的特性包括顏色、花梗長度、分支性和栽培特性。第二階段將專注於開發更多商品化的品項,以滿足市場需求。
    ‘2172’ is currently in the early stages of breed selection. Our first phase objective is to prioritize the selection of varieties with high cut flower potential, taking into account characteristics including colour, peduncle length, branching and cultural traits. The second phase will focus on developing more commercialized items to meet market demand.


    在切花市場方面,Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘2172’ 具有極高的潛力。其大花特性和穩定的花期,使其在節日裝飾和商業活動中具有顯著的競爭優勢。在盆花市場中,‘2172’ 的軟花梗特性適合多種室內裝飾設計。例如,它可以用於柔性結構或展示架上,為空間增添獨特的裝飾效果。
    In terms of the cut flower market, Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘2172’ has extremely high potential. Its large flower characteristics and stable flowering period give it a significant competitive advantage in holiday decorations and commercial activities. In the potted flower market, ‘2172’’s soft peduncle properties are suitable for a variety of interior designs. For example, it can be used on flexible structures or display racks to add a unique decorative effect to the space.



We believe that the current 2172 is the most competitive oncidium hybrid in our field and look forward to good news in the next 1-2 years.

Hwuluduen Orchid Manager

James Chang



