葫蘆墩文心蘭 Oncidium Hwuluduen '2185'
Oncidium Hwuluduen '2185' 是一個雜交種,其後代具備非常多樣的變化,但目前仍未篩選出有特色的品種。這個雜交種遺傳了其親本 Onc. Hwuluduen Spinel 的優秀特性,如易於栽培和環境適應力強,為花農提供了更低門檻的養成成本。
Oncidium Hwuluduen '2185' is a hybrid whose progeny are very diverse, but no distinctive variety has yet been selected. This hybrid has inherited the excellent characteristics of its parent, Onc. Hwuluduen Spinel, such as ease of cultivation and strong environmental adaptability, providing flower farmers with a lower threshold for cultivation costs.
黃色花與花紋花紋多樣性 Yellow flowers and patterns pattern diversity
此品種最顯著的特徵是黃色花,大約佔整個集合品種 80%的花色。然而,它擁有多樣化的花型和花紋,這使黃色花並不顯單調。在高標準的育種策略下,雖以黃色為主,花型和花紋的變化提高了商品價值。這使它成為切花市場上的優質選擇。
The most striking feature of this variety is the yellow flowers, which account for approximately 80% of the entire collection. However, it has a variety of flower shapes and patterns, which makes the yellow flowers not monotonous. Under the high-standard breeding strategy, although yellow is the main color, changes in flower shape and pattern increase the commercial value. This makes it a premium choice in the cut flower market.

花期特徵與育種流程 Flowering period characteristics and breeding process
Oncidium Hwuluduen '2185' 的花期集中在 5-7 月。這個特性在預測和篩選方面提供了優勢,在同期的篩選比較中,有助於育種運策的效率。不過花期集中的優勢也代表著穩定性可能會讓他喪失一些全年可開花的優勢。
Oncidium Hwuluduen '2185' blooms from May to July. This feature provides advantages in prediction and screening, and contributes to the efficiency of breeding operations in concurrent screening comparisons. However, the advantage of concentrated flowering period also means that stability may cause it to lose some of the advantages of being able to bloom all year round.

生長勢與花梗特性 Growth potential and pedicel characteristics
'2185' 具備極佳的生長勢,在高溫高溼的環境下,其大部分品種都能保持良好的生長。其花條特別長且堅硬,擁有多分支的特性,花型中等至略小,與常見的檸檬綠花有明顯分別。檸檬綠花通常以亮黃色和簡單花型為主,花條較短。
'2185' has excellent growth potential, and most of its varieties can maintain good growth in high temperature and high humidity environments. Its flower strips are particularly long and hard, with multi-branch characteristics. The flower shape is medium to slightly small, which is obviously different from the common lime green flowers. Lemon green flowers are usually bright yellow and simple in shape with short flower strips.

We are still observing the suitable traits and characteristics that can make 2185 purchase more outstanding. This type of variety will not enter everyone's eyes too quickly, but may be released slowly, but we expect it to be released after some screening. Select distinctive traits and sell them as seedlings, so that everyone can feel its charm more
Hwuluduen Orchid Manager
James Chang