商業模式的創新 | Innovation in Business Models
As the business world continues to evolve, new models emerge, challenging traditional approaches. One innovative method is leveraging the power of players' own flower to promote exposure. This unique concept not only revolutionizes how we think about orchid cultivation but also brings numerous benefits to enthusiasts and the industry.
Hwuluduen Orchids 的新計畫 | Hwuluduen Orchids' New Initiative
在 Hwuluduen Orchids,我們了解保持領先地位和擁抱新機會的重要性。這就是為什麼我們很高興地介紹我們即將推出的項目,這次的計畫旨在利用蘭花的育種來提高其在市場上的知名度。
At Hwuluduen Orchids, we understand the importance of staying ahead and embracing new opportunities. That’s why we are excited to introduce our upcoming project, designed to enhance market visibility through orchid breeding.
玩家參與和社群建構 | Player Engagement and Community Building
透過鼓勵普通玩家培育自己的蘭花,我們可以創造一個充滿熱情的個人網絡,讓大家積極參與這些精美花朵的生長和推廣。而 Hwuluduen Orchids 作為在文心蘭育種上的領先者,我們會提供玩家或蘭花愛好者無菌播種的服務。這種協作努力不僅培養了社區意識,而且還可以展示更廣泛的蘭花品種。
By encouraging everyday players to cultivate their own orchids, we can create a passionate personal network actively involved in growing and promoting these exquisite flowers. As a leader in Oncidium breeding, Hwuluduen Orchids offers sterile seeding services for players and enthusiasts. This collaborative effort not only fosters community spirit but also showcases a broader range of orchid varieties.
參與機會 | Opportunities to Participate
This project is still in detailed planning. If interested, feel free to contact us in advance.