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Hwuluduen Orchids

Onc. Hwuluduen '2158'

Onc. Hwuluduen '2158'

Regular price $600.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $600.00 USD
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主要特點 / Key Features:

尺寸 / Size:

每朵花直徑約 3-4 公分 / Each flower is approximately 3-4 cm in diameter.

顏色 / Color:

花瓣呈深紅色,唇瓣為明顯的金黃色,中央帶有橙色斑紋 / Deep red petals with prominent golden yellow lips, and orange spots in the center.

形狀 / Shape:

花瓣呈橢圓形且排列緊密,唇瓣寬大而展開,整體排列呈現對稱放射狀 / The petals are elliptic and tightly packed, with a broad, open lip, arranged in a symmetrical radial pattern.

開花季節 / Bloom Season:

無固定花期,會不定期開花 / Blooms irregularly without a fixed season.

生長習性 / Growth Habit:

耐熱,對溫度及濕度要求較高,需充足光照,花梗硬挺 / Heat-tolerant, requires high humidity and ample light, with firm, sturdy flower spikes.

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