葫蘆墩育種計劃 Our Breeding Project


Hwuluduen Orchid Garden is dedicated to the development of the Oncidium Alliance, cultivating a diverse array of Oncidium. The Oncidium Alliance is a classification within the Orchidaceae family that exhibits significant morphological diversity and physiological differences. These orchids share a close taxonomic relationship and have similar cultivation requirements.



文心蘭族(Oncidium Alliance)是蘭科植物中一個多樣化且廣泛分布的分類群,包括多種具有相似特徵的蘭花屬。這些蘭花在生物分類學上具有密切的關聯性,因為它們共享一些共同的遺傳特徵和栽培需求。以下是幾個被歸類於文心蘭族的重要蘭花屬及其特徵。

The Oncidium Alliance is a diverse and widespread taxon within the Orchidaceae family, including several orchid genera with similar characteristics. These orchids are closely related taxonomically because they share some common genetic characteristics and cultivation requirements. Below are several important genera classified into the oncidium subtribe and their characteristics.

文心蘭屬 (Oncidium)


Oncidium orchids are renowned for their classic floral shapes. They typically have yellow flowers resembling dancing ladies, with long flower stems and blossoms arranged on a flower spike.

齒舌蘭屬 (Odontoglossum)


Odontoglossum orchids are known for their delicate flowers and rich colors. They have larger flowers with wavy petal edges, and the colors range from white to red.

蜘蛛蘭屬 (Brassia)


Brassia orchids, or spider orchids, have flowers that resemble spiders with long, narrow petals in various colors. The flowers are usually arranged in loose clusters, creating a unique appearance.

菫花蘭屬 (Miltonia)

這些蘭花的花朵大而明亮,顏色多樣,花形類似 pansy(三色堇)。花朵呈扇形,花瓣寬大,顏色從粉紅到紫色。

Miltonia orchids have large, bright flowers in a variety of colors, resembling pansies. The flowers are fan-shaped with broad petals, and the colors range from pink to purple.

擬堇花蘭屬 (Miltoniopsis)


Miltoniopsis orchids are similar to Miltonia but typically have rounder flowers with softer colors. The petals are thick, and the colors range from white to light pink.

蛾形文心蘭屬 (Psychopsis)


Psychopsis orchids are known for their unique moth-like flowers. The flowers are large and vibrant, with petals resembling wings in various colors.

劍葉文心蘭屬 (Tolumnia)


Tolumnia orchids are small orchids with slender leaves, colorful flowers, and short, sturdy flower stems. The flowers are usually arranged in tight clusters.

龜殼文心蘭屬 (Zelenkoa)


Zelenkoa is a rare genus of orchids known for its unique flower shapes and colors. The flowers are cup-shaped with thick petals, and the colors range from yellow to orange.

高美蘭屬 (Gomesa)


Gomesa orchids are characterized by their unique flower shapes and diverse colors, ranging from pale yellow to deep brown. The flowers are usually small, with slender stems, and arranged in loose clusters.

毛藥蘭屬 (Trichopilia)


Trichopilia orchids have trumpet-shaped flowers with soft petals, often ruffled at the edges, and range in color from white to light purple. Some of these orchids emit a faint fragrance.

凸唇蘭屬 (Cyrtochilum)


Cyrtochilum orchids have unique flower shapes with long, sometimes wavy petals, in various colors, commonly yellow, orange, and red. The flowers are usually arranged on long, arching flower spikes.


屬名 花朵形態 花朵顏色 花莖長度
文心蘭屬 經典花形,跳舞女士,花莖細長 黃色 長花莖
齒舌蘭屬 精緻花朵,波浪狀花瓣 白色到紅色 中長花莖
蜘蛛蘭屬 蜘蛛狀花朵,花瓣長且細 各種顏色 中長花莖
菫花蘭屬 大而明亮,扇形花朵 粉紅到紫色 中長花莖
擬堇花蘭屬 圓潤花朵,厚實花瓣 白色到淡粉紅色 中長花莖
蛾形文心蘭屬 類似蛾形,翅膀狀花瓣 各種顏色 長花莖
劍葉文心蘭屬 小型花朵,緊密排列 多種顏色 短花莖
龜殼文心蘭屬 杯狀花朵,厚實花瓣 黃色到橙色 中長花莖


小型花朵,疏鬆排列 淡黃色到深棕色 中長花莖
毛藥蘭屬 喇叭形花朵,邊緣有褶皺 白色到淡紫色 中長花莖
凸唇蘭屬 花瓣細長,常呈波浪狀 黃色、橙色、紅色 長花莖



We have utilized these various types of orchids to breed over a thousand different flower shapes and colors. Our primary goal in this process is to select cut flowers and potted plants that thrive in Taiwan's climate. Some cold-season orchids have more beautiful and diverse flowers, but they also present greater care challenges. This challenge lies not only in maintenance but also in successfully integrating these flower shapes and colors into the traditional Oncidium genus. Despite these challenges, we have not stopped exploring and experimenting. We continue to try more hybrid combinations, hoping to breed flowers that everyone loves more reliably in the future.

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