品種資訊 Variety Information

Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Golden Coin' 葫蘆墩'金幣'文心蘭

Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Golden Coin' 葫蘆墩'金幣'文心蘭


探索文心蘭'金幣'的獨特魅力 在多樣化的蘭花世界中,'金幣'以其源自葫蘆墩'紅櫻桃'的血統脫穎而出,繼承了非凡的耐寒性,並且花朵排列集中。它的小型金黃色花朵讓人聯想到陽光的輝煌,完美符合現代審美標準,隨著成熟度提升展現穩定的色彩。 'Golden Coin' is exceptionally easy to care for, thriving under conditions with more than 50% shade. Proper water management is crucial, focusing on avoiding excessive moisture. A cycle...

Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Golden Coin' 葫蘆墩'金幣'文心蘭


探索文心蘭'金幣'的獨特魅力 在多樣化的蘭花世界中,'金幣'以其源自葫蘆墩'紅櫻桃'的血統脫穎而出,繼承了非凡的耐寒性,並且花朵排列集中。它的小型金黃色花朵讓人聯想到陽光的輝煌,完美符合現代審美標準,隨著成熟度提升展現穩定的色彩。 'Golden Coin' is exceptionally easy to care for, thriving under conditions with more than 50% shade. Proper water management is crucial, focusing on avoiding excessive moisture. A cycle...


Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Dreamer' 葫蘆墩夢幻文心蘭


Flower Type 花型 ‘Dreamer’ 的花瓣以栗色和粉紅色的柔美輕聲低語,不需要大聲呼喚就能吸引你的注意。它那種低調的優雅,讓你一靠近就會被它迷人的夢幻姿態所俘虜。這朵花的魅力,在於它的從容與恬靜。 Cultivation and Care: The Worry-Free Charm of 'Dreamer'    栽培與護理:'Dreamer' 的無憂魅力 照顧 'Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Dreamer'' 輕鬆愉快。這種蘭花天生堅韌,不怕天氣變化,無論是風雨還是陽光,都能茁壯成長。我們在溫室裡,只需定期澆水和噴施葉面肥料就足夠了,沒有任何花哨的技巧。如果我們的 'Dreamer' 能在這裡輕鬆成長,那你照顧它一定也沒問題。這朵花,傳遞的是愛與簡單,而非負擔。   Key Issue: Pseudobulb Care 核心問題:假球莖護理 假球莖是...

Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Dreamer' 葫蘆墩夢幻文心蘭


Flower Type 花型 ‘Dreamer’ 的花瓣以栗色和粉紅色的柔美輕聲低語,不需要大聲呼喚就能吸引你的注意。它那種低調的優雅,讓你一靠近就會被它迷人的夢幻姿態所俘虜。這朵花的魅力,在於它的從容與恬靜。 Cultivation and Care: The Worry-Free Charm of 'Dreamer'    栽培與護理:'Dreamer' 的無憂魅力 照顧 'Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Dreamer'' 輕鬆愉快。這種蘭花天生堅韌,不怕天氣變化,無論是風雨還是陽光,都能茁壯成長。我們在溫室裡,只需定期澆水和噴施葉面肥料就足夠了,沒有任何花哨的技巧。如果我們的 'Dreamer' 能在這裡輕鬆成長,那你照顧它一定也沒問題。這朵花,傳遞的是愛與簡單,而非負擔。   Key Issue: Pseudobulb Care 核心問題:假球莖護理 假球莖是...

Gomonia Hwuluduen ’Golden Cup‘ 葫蘆墩金盃文心蘭

Gomonia Hwuluduen ’Golden Cup‘ 葫蘆墩金盃文心蘭


When you lay eyes on Gomonia Hwuluduen 'Golden Cup', it's like opening a window to a vast new horizon in floriculture. This isn't just an Orchid; it's a breath of...

Gomonia Hwuluduen ’Golden Cup‘ 葫蘆墩金盃文心蘭


When you lay eyes on Gomonia Hwuluduen 'Golden Cup', it's like opening a window to a vast new horizon in floriculture. This isn't just an Orchid; it's a breath of...

Zelenkocidium Hwuluduen Ruby Gem 'Shirley' 葫蘆墩雪莉文心蘭

Zelenkocidium Hwuluduen Ruby Gem 'Shirley' 葫蘆墩雪...


Engage in the world of Zelenkocidium Hwuluduen Ruby Gem 'Shirley', and let this amazing variety take you on a wonderful journey of Orchid cultivation. 'Shirley' is not only favored by...

Zelenkocidium Hwuluduen Ruby Gem 'Shirley' 葫蘆墩雪...


Engage in the world of Zelenkocidium Hwuluduen Ruby Gem 'Shirley', and let this amazing variety take you on a wonderful journey of Orchid cultivation. 'Shirley' is not only favored by...

Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘Orange Fruit’ 葫蘆墩吉利果文心蘭

Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘Orange Fruit’ 葫蘆墩吉利果文心蘭


When we first laid eyes on the Huludun "Orange Fruit" it was like wandering through a citrus orchard bathed in sunlight, where each flower was a stroke of nature's brush,...

Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘Orange Fruit’ 葫蘆墩吉利果文心蘭


When we first laid eyes on the Huludun "Orange Fruit" it was like wandering through a citrus orchard bathed in sunlight, where each flower was a stroke of nature's brush,...

Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Gina'

Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘Gina’ 葫蘆墩吉娜文心蘭


"Dive into the enchanting world of Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Gina,' a miniature orchid marvel adorned with a symphony of purple. Unearth expert care tips, innovative styling insights, and celebrate the enduring...

Oncidium Hwuluduen ‘Gina’ 葫蘆墩吉娜文心蘭


"Dive into the enchanting world of Oncidium Hwuluduen 'Gina,' a miniature orchid marvel adorned with a symphony of purple. Unearth expert care tips, innovative styling insights, and celebrate the enduring...