產品與注意事項 Products and Precautions

在 Hwuluduen Orchids,我們以提供多樣化的文心蘭品種為榮,無論是業餘愛好者還是專業花卉種植者,都能在這裡找到心儀的品種。
At Hwuluduen Orchids, we take pride in offering a diverse range of Oncidium to satisfy both hobbyists and professional growers.


產品細節 | Product Details

實生苗 | Seedlings


Seedlings are grown from seeds, ideal for enthusiasts who appreciate unique varieties and colors. We offer unique seedlings not commonly found in the market.

分生苗 | Clones


Clones are orchids propagated through tissue culture, perfect for professional growers needing consistent growth patterns. Our clones exhibit high uniformity.

產品類型 | Types of Product

  • 實生瓶苗 | Seedlings Flasks:


    Hybrid Oncidium grown in aseptic conditions, free from contaminants, ready to be potted or transplanted.

  • 分生瓶苗 | Clones Flasks:


    Propagated through tissue culture, grown uniformly, ideal for professional growers requiring consistent characteristics.

  • 帶花苗 | Budded Plants:


    Orchids grown with a moss attached to protect flower buds during shipping, ensuring optimal condition upon arrival.

  • 裸根苗 | Bare-Root Plants:


    Carefully removed from growing medium, roots exposed, lightweight and easy to handle, ideal for international shipping.

常見問題 | Frequently Asked Questions

您的蘭花適合初學者嗎? | Are your orchids suitable for beginners?
是的,我們的蘭花適合初學者和有經驗的種植者。 |
Yes, our orchids are suitable for both beginners and experienced growers. We offer varieties that are easy to grow and require minimal maintenance.

可以選擇蘭花的顏色嗎? | Can I choose the color of the orchids?
我們提供市場上不常見的獨特品種。 |
We offer unique varieties that are not commonly found in the market.

可以要求特定的交貨日期嗎? | Can I request a specific delivery date?
可以,在結帳過程中提供選擇首選交貨日期的選項,具體視地點而定。 |
Yes, we offer the option to select a preferred delivery date during checkout, subject to availability and location.

是否國際運送? | Do you ship internationally?
是的,請先檢查您國家的進口法規和限制。 |
Yes, we ship internationally. Please check your country's import regulations and restrictions before ordering.

退貨政策是什麼? | What is your return policy?
如果蘭花在交貨後損壞或健康不佳,請在收貨後48小時內聯繫我們。 |
If your orchid is damaged or in poor health after delivery, please contact us within 48 hours.

在 Hwuluduen Orchids,我們致力於提供卓越的蘭花。今天開始探索我們的產品線,發現文心蘭的美麗和多樣性!

At Hwuluduen Orchids, we are committed to providing exceptional orchids. Explore our product line today and discover the beauty and diversity of Oncidium!

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