關於與聯絡我們 About Us
歡迎來到 Hwuluduen Orchids,這裡是尋找台灣文心蘭品種的首選之地。Hwuluduen Orchids 成立於 1993年,懷著對這些美麗蘭花的熱情,我們專門提供各種文心蘭,其中最受人愛戴的 Hwuluduen 品種“紅櫻桃”。
Welcome to Hwuluduen Orchids, your go-to place for finding Oncidium orchid varieties in Taiwan. Established in 1993, Hwuluduen Orchids is driven by a passion for these beautiful flowers, specializing in various Oncidium orchids, including the popular Hwuluduen variety "Red Cherry."
We take pride in our unique value proposition; our orchids are not only visually stunning but also easy to grow and heat-tolerant, ensuring that even beginners can appreciate the beauty of these plants. Our Oncidium collection is carefully curated, offering a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, whether you are an experienced orchid enthusiast or a beginner looking to add a touch of elegance to your space, we have the perfect orchid for you.
與眾不同的是我們對品質的承諾,確保它以最佳狀態到達您手中。我們相信每個客戶都應該得到最好的,努力在每次購買時超越您的期望。在 Hwuluduen Orchids,我們知道蘭花不僅僅是花,它們是美麗、優雅和精緻的象徵。我們致力於與客戶分享蘭花的喜悅,並全程為您提供協助。
What sets us apart is our commitment to quality, ensuring it reaches you in its best condition. We believe that every customer deserves the best, striving to exceed your expectations with every purchase. At Hwuluduen Orchids, we know that orchids are more than just flowers; they are symbols of beauty, elegance, and sophistication. We are dedicated to sharing the joy of orchids with our customers and providing support throughout your experience.
感謝您選擇 Hwuluduen Orchids,我們期待為您提供卓越的文心蘭,為您的生活帶來美麗和寧靜。如果您有任何問題、疑慮,或者只是想了解有關我們蘭花的更多信息,請隨時與我們聯繫。我們團隊隨時為您提供協助。
Thank you for choosing Hwuluduen Orchids. We look forward to providing you with exceptional Oncidium orchids, bringing beauty and tranquility to your life. If you have any questions, concerns, or simply want to learn more about our orchids, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable team is always here to help.
Email: hwuluduen@yahoo.com.tw
Address: Taichung City, Taiwan