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Miltonidium Hwuluduen Kenzie 'Passion'

Miltonidium Hwuluduen Kenzie 'Passion'

Regular price $15.00 USD
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文心蘭交種,中文名 : 女神,深紫色,在不同光線環境下還有不同的顏色

主要特點 / Key Features:

尺寸 / Size:

每朵花直徑約 6-8 公分 / Each flower is approximately 6-8 cm in diameter.

顏色 / Color:

花瓣呈深紫色,唇瓣中心帶有粉紅與白色的細緻花紋 / Deep purple petals with intricate pink and white patterns on the lip.
隨著光線變化,顏色深淺也會有所不同 / The flower's color shifts subtly under different lighting conditions.

形狀 / Shape:

花瓣呈尖橢圓形且向外伸展,唇瓣寬大且中央略有褶皺 / The petals are pointed and elliptic, spreading outward, with a broad, slightly wrinkled lip.

開花季節 / Bloom Season:

主要在8月至10月間開花 / Mainly blooms from August to October.

生長習性 / Growth Habit:

耐熱耐旱,需高光照,易於栽培,適合作為切花 / Heat- and drought-tolerant, requires high light, easy to grow, and has potential for use as cut flowers.

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