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Hwuluduen Orchids

Oncidium Hwuluduen '2144'

Oncidium Hwuluduen '2144'

Regular price $600.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $600.00 USD
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主要特點 / Key Features:

尺寸 / Size:

每朵花直徑約 4-5 公分 / Each flower is approximately 4-5 cm in diameter.

顏色 / Color:

花瓣為白色,帶有棕紅色斑點和條紋,唇瓣為黃色,中央有鮮紅色圖案 / White petals with reddish-brown spots and stripes, a yellow lip with a vivid red pattern in the center.

形狀 / Shape:

花瓣呈尖橢圓形,排列整齊,唇瓣展開,花朵呈現放射狀排列 / The petals are pointed and elliptic, symmetrically arranged, with the lip spreading wide in a radial pattern.

開花季節 / Bloom Season:

主要在3月至7月間開花 / Mainly blooms from March to July.

生長習性 / Growth Habit:

花梗較軟,容易種植,適合光照充足的環境 / The flower spike is softer than others in the series, and the plant is easy to grow in bright light environments.

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